Rommie Johnson
Standard carbon-based lifeform
At various points I’ve been a technical strategist, policy and public affairs specialist, journalist, general manager, systems administrator, teacher, training coordinator, designer, webmaster, market analyst, creative writer and short-order cook. I’ve worked for organizations big and small; started them up and shut them down. I’ve written accounting standards, op-eds, essays, speeches, press releases, employee handbooks, blogs, training manuals, ad copy, essays, research papers, computer code and a screenplay about an anthropomorphized sports trophy.
I’m either a Renaissance Man or a raging dilettante — your call.
My long-term goal is to help reverse the impractical, short-sighted trends of Western consumerism by helping to develop or market either (a) accessible, affordable, sustainable alternative products and services, (b) independent, objective educational outreach programs or (c) both.
Either that or I’ll open a bar.